40 Holiday Cards People Should Regret Ever Sending

Published on 12/20/2019

33. Santa Got Influenced

Smartphones have become a part of everyone’s life, and when Santa stays with us for a while….he will start doing it too. Santa is going to be messaging Mrs. Santa to see what is for dinner, while the concerned family members are quickly updating their status.

Santa Got Influenced

Santa Got Influenced

Maybe he was researching about the North Pole while the others were having a group chat about how funny they looked. Either way, everyone looks incredibly silly. Hopefully, they don’t get new smartphones for Christmas.


34. This Grinch Made a Mess

A grown man in a full-body spandex suit cannot spell anything good and to top it off with a silly and weird facial expression. It’s a pity because the mom and daughters all look incredibly convincing as members of Whoville, while the ‘Grinch’ seems like a poor imitation.

This Grinch Made A Mess

This Grinch Made A Mess

At least he has managed to ruin Christmas with his scarily budget cosplay. One look at this photo and you may just burst into instant laughter and horror.