Exposing ALDI’s 25 Most Cleverly Concealed Secrets

Published on 06/16/2020

Selective Opening Times

As opposed to many stores within America, Aldi is not open 24/7. Knowing their tight-fisted tactics, it makes sense that they only open their doors to the public between 9 am and around 8 pm. This skips the many mostly empty hours which other stores suffer.

Selective Opening Times

Selective Opening Times


The Infamous Bread Gadgets

From the end of 2010 onwards, Germany’s Aldi stores began rolling out warm and fresh bread on demand, with their internal advanced ovens. However, the “German Bakers’ Confederation’ didn’t take too kindly to such a move, commencing a massive and drawn-out court case against Aldi. The baking innovators luckily had a crew of top lawyers who barred the court from investigating their special ovens and raw dough…

The Infamous Bread Gadgets

The Infamous Bread Gadgets