Exposing ALDI’s 25 Most Cleverly Concealed Secrets

Published on 06/16/2020


“They have an amazing assortment of wines that taste absolutely wonderful — and you’ll love the prices,” Fobes described about Aldi. “I am a big fan of the Winking Owl Moscato — one of my favorites.”



Charles Shaw’s “Two Buck Chuck” was imitated by Aldi with their Winking Owl, which once went for $2 per unit at Trader Joe. Now, the store brand of Aldi’s Winking wines go for $2.89, such as pinot grigio, zinfandel, chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, and so on. They are pretty good! There are many Winking Owl reviews available online.
Returning to Walmart for comparison, their Winemakers Selection, which is their exclusive collection of wine labels, offer units at $11 each. This brand can be found in over one thousand Walmart spots across the country, despite not being able to locate the Northern Virginia stores’ wine sections.


German Beer

You had best expect that a German shop will provide the finest European drafts!
Aldi’s beer variety is not the most varied, however they do provide some highly sought-after six-packs. They still offer an enjoyable beer selection. Their Broegel Bock Beer six-packs sell for $6.99, which is decent considering that this is an imported beverage. Created in Belgium, this beer attained a 3.8 out of 5 from Beer Advocate.

German Beer

German Beer

Further to the selection at Aldi is the Licher Weizer, a six pack of which will cost $6.49 for the wheat beer. Then there is the German lager, Wernesgruner Pilsner, which was brought into America on Aldi’s request, which goes for $6.00 per six-pack. The Chicago Tribune marked this pilsner (which is pumped out by a brewery which has operated since 1436) with a “buy it” mark. They actually preferred the beer to Stella and Heineken, also remarking that it is more affordable.
Then there is the Kinroo Blue at Aldi, which according to The Trib’s draft experts is highly enjoyable, especially got Blue Moon lovers. This Belgium special tastes like orange sherbet and orange peel.